a standardized test used by schools to determine the proficiency of students in English and Mathematics and hence their ability to take on business studies. It is a post-graduate program and is written either as a computer-based test or a paper-based one. There are a number of sections constituting the test including analytical writing assessment, the quantitative section and the verbal section. Exclusive of the analytical writing assessment section, the other two sections are scored within a range of 200 to 800 points with the writing assessment section being sored from 0 to 6 per topic.

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a standardized Test used by many Graduate Schools in their admissions processes. The test concentrates on verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing and critical thinking skills that have not necessarily been restricted to any particular field of study and which are most likely to have been acquired over a long period of time. The quantitative and verbal sections are scored within a range of 200 to 800 points with the critical writing assessment section being sored from 0 to 6.

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a standarddized test offered four times each year for prospective law school candidates. The Test aims at assessing Reading Comprehension as well as logical and verbal reasoning capabilities. Normalized scores range from a low of 120 to a high of 180. It is prohibited to take the Test more than three times in a two-year period.

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a multi-part examination that assesses a Physician’s ability to apply standard medical practice skills to determine effective means of health-care delivery. It consists of three parts with each part covering specific ranges and topics. To be accredited with an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the United States, all three steps of the USMLE exam must be passed before a physician with an M.D. degree is eligible to apply.

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a standardized test used in the admissions processes of most colleges and Universities in the United States of America and Canada as well as other countries. It assesses critical reading skills, writing skills as well as proficiency in mathematics. There is an overall score of 2400 with each section contributing 800 marks.

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a standardized test aimed at assessing English, Mathematics, Reading and Science Reading. An optional Writing test has been added since the year 2005. It is used in the admissions processes of most colleges even though different institutions place different levels of emphasis on its usage. The main four tests are scored on a scale of 1-36. A composite score of the whole-number average is provided as the final score.

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a standardized used in the evaluation of a student’s ability to use and understand English in an Academic setting. For non-native speakers, it may be used as an admissions requirement in many English-speaking colleges and Universities. The Test is divided into four sections; Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. It is offered either as an internet-based test or a paper-based one. It is scored within a range of 0-120 marks with each section worth 30 marks or points.

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an international Standardized Test which aims at Testing English Language proficiency. There are two versions, the academic version and the general training version. The academic version is for individuals who wish to enroll in institutions of higher learning while the general training version is intended for people looking to undertake non-academic training, gain work experience or for immigration purposes.

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To be an associate of the Society of Actuaries, a prospective candidate will be required to demonstrate knowledge of fundamental concepts and techniques for modeling and managing risk. It is also required of them to indicate adherence to professional codes of conduct in the process of managing financial uncertainties and future events.

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the Chartered Financial Analyst program is organized into three levels, each culminating in a six-hour examination. Completion of the program takes most students from two to five years and there is no limit to the number of times a student can take the exam.

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We have considerable experience in coaching students to get into their desired schools of choice and also to get considerable amounts of scholarships and funding.

We believe that an education at the consult cannot be separated from the application process and therefore give a free session for students to equip them to undertake the application process. Because the application process is difficult to negotiate for most high school graduates, we also provide an application coaching service with experts at a fee. Here, students will experience working with adcoms to give them an edge in getting into prestigious schools.

Value Added Services


The Consult can boast of having close ties with the admission departments of some elite and preferred schools in the New England area.

Annual visits and email exchanges with admissions departments has given the consult insight into the expectations of these schools. These have been incorporated into our teaching and post-learning counseling session to aid students to maximize the benefits of their time at the consult.


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